Google is spending billions to attack every news room in USA with propaganda

Why Is Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists To Flood Newsrooms Around America?

by Tyler Durden


So what do you do when you fail to elect your chosen candidate and your former political allies and mainstream media turn against you by painting you not as the 'progressive', open-minded, friendly tech company that you used to be but as an evil, racist, Russian-colluding corporate villain intent upon destroying all that is sacred in the world?  Well, you just buy the media, of course.

As Poynter notes today, after a series of public relations debacles in recent weeks, from the firing of James Damore to news last week that Google's algos served up some fairly disturbing keywords to potential advertising buyers (e.g. "Why Do Black People Ruin Neighborhoods"), Google is ramping up its media presence with the announcement that the Google News Lab will be working with Report For America (RFA) to hire 1,000 journalists all around the country. 


any local newsrooms have been cut to the bone so often that there's hardly any bone left. But starting early next year, some may get the chance to rebuild, at least by one.
On Monday, a new project was announced at the Google News Lab Summit that aims to place 1,000 journalists in local newsrooms in the next five years. Report For America takes ideas from several existing organizations, including the Peace Corps, Americorps, Teach for America and public media.
Unlike foreign or domestic service programs or public media, however, RFA gets no government funding. But they are calling RFA a national service project. That might make some journalists uncomfortable  – the idea of service and patriotism. But at its most fundamental, local journalism is about protecting democracy, said co-founder Charles Sennott, founder and CEO of the GroundTruth Project.
"I think journalism needs that kind of passion for public service to bring it back and to really address some of the ailments of the heart of journalism," he said.
Here's how RFA will work: On one end, emerging journalists will apply to be part of RFA. On the other, newsrooms will apply for a journalist. RFA will pay 50 percent of that journalist's salary, with the newsroom paying 25 percent and local donors paying the other 25 percent. That reporter will work in the local newsroom for a year, with the opportunity to renew.


Of course, while the press release above tries to tout the shared financial responsibility of these 1,000 journalists, presumably as a testament to their 'independence', it took about 35 seconds to figure out that the primary funder of the journalists' salaries, RFA, is funded by none other than Google News Lab.


Meanwhile, as a further testament to RFA's 'independence, we noticed that their Advisory Board is flooded with reputable, 'impartial' news organizations like the New York Times, NPR, CBS, ABC, etc....


That said, as Jeff Bezos found out this morning, you can buy the media outlet but that doesn't necessarily mean you can buy their loyalty (see: Did WaPo Break The Law When It Disciplined A Writer For This Negative Article On Jeff Bezos?)....

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 GoogleStoleMyBike 11 points (+11|-0) ago  (edited ago)

Found something interesting:

"Unlike foreign or domestic service programs or public media, however, RFA gets no government funding. But they are calling RFA a national service project. That might make some journalists uncomfortable – the idea of service and patriotism, said co-founder Charles Sennott, founder and CEO of the GroundTruth Project. But at its most fundamental, local journalism is about protecting democracy, he said."
"Sennott and Steven Waldman co-founded RFA, which comes from a partnership between Google News Labs and the Groundtruth Project. RFA also gets support, and its reporters will get training, from the Center for Investigative Journalism, the Lenfest Institute for Journalism, the Solutions Journalism network and the Knight Foundation (which funds my job covering local news at Poynter. Poynter also gets funding from Lenfest and Google News Labs)."

I wonder what the roots of the Groundtruth Project are?

"Sennott’s deep experience reporting internationally led him to launch The GroundTruth Project and to dedicate himself to training the next generation of international journalists for the digital age. Sennott is also the co-founder of GlobalPost, an acclaimed international news website. Previously, Sennott served as the Boston Globe’s Middle East Bureau Chief based in Jerusalem from 1997 to 2001 and as Europe Bureau Chief based in London from 2001 to 2005."

Jews confirmed.

EDIT: Something else a bit strange, I can't find a wiki for Charles M. Sennott. You can see the top link is directing to a different (but extremely similar to GroundTruth Project) group called GlobalPost where his name is in the first sentence, but it only references the FB page of GlobalPost and does not link to a personal wiki about him. Huh.

truthbeloathed 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

It is a push for Google News- They hate us more than we hate them because all we do is laugh at their filters.

[–] NeoGoat 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Its the Monsanto of information.

[–] not_drunk 4 points (+4|-0) ago 

Ex- New York Times reporters need jobs.

[–] greenfascist 3 points (+3|-0) ago 

because they haven't yet learned how their own technology on youtube works.

the next gen isn't going to the newsrooms for information you communist faggots.

[–] wtfeva 3 points (+4|-1) ago 

Wow. I feel sick.

[–] lord_nougat 1 points (+2|-1) ago 

Get well soon!

[–] wtfeva 0 points (+1|-1) ago 

Fuck off!

1 reply

[–] superspathi 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

The proglodytes are trying to make sure they control all media before next national election. It will be their voice, or nothing.

[–] littul_kitton 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

+1 for proglodytes.

[–] Dougal_McHaggis 2 points (+2|-0) ago 

Google has known that regular jewmedia is dying for a long while, thats why they started google fiber so they could get in on streaming tv, but it's been a failure. This kiked up shenanigans will be a failure too.

[–] Mark_it_Zero 2 points (+3|-1) ago 

Ummmm, so they can flood newsrooms around the country? Is this trick question?

[–] Ribena580 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

This is why Microsoft and Apple is better than google

[–] tendiesonfloor 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

These "journalists" are your mortal enemies.

[–] Scribbleballs 1 points (+1|-0) ago 

Well why do you think?

[–] Markb63 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

They are on a build up for 2020 and the media war on America continues. Breakup Google and Amazon!!!!

[–] SealofApproval 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

I suspect if you follow the funding the trail will lead all the way to George Soros

[–] Traveler 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

This is deeply disturbing.

[–] nxc1974 0 points (+0|-0) ago 

...because it worked for the Pentagon/CIA...

[–] Subtenko 0 points (+1|-1) ago 

Maybe at the rate mms rating drop Google will buy them all out someday and say they will put an end to the problems of past news (yea right..)


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TeamDepends Sep 18, 2017 10:48 PM

Fuck Yoogle!!!

Bob Beachcomber  TeamDepends Sep 18, 2017 10:53 PM

Put Adnauseum on your browser.  If you have chrome run in developer mode and click okay when ever it prompts.  It blocks adds and BS, but clicks on as many ads as you specify I usually do 50%.  Google pays the website back.  I am currently looking at 7 clicks back at 50% typing this.  It sucks money out of Google, pays Zerohedge and it's all in the background.  Doesn't even slow down the computer.

wee-weed up  Bob Beachcomber Sep 18, 2017 10:58 PM

Of course, it's all about "doing no evil."  /s/

Luc X. Ifer  wee-weed up Sep 18, 2017 11:17 PM

Google is hiring propaganda/agitator agents for the Big Brother's Ministry of Truth.

Paul Kersey  Luc X. Ifer Sep 18, 2017 11:19 PM

Does paying half of a "journalist's" salary give google the right to edit (censor) parts of the journalist's story?

07564111  Paul Kersey Sep 18, 2017 11:23 PM

the journalist's story will be based on google supplied 'facts' 'expert opinion' and 'talking points' there will be little need for edits ;)

Stuart  07564111 Sep 19, 2017 12:00 AM

fuck skynet

Four chan  Stuart Sep 19, 2017 2:33 AM


doctor10  07564111 Sep 19, 2017 8:22 AM

pardon me while I puke first...but the SeeEyeAye is a more honest name than "google"....

Jessica6  07564111 Sep 19, 2017 9:00 AM

Keeping up the pretense journalists actually write anything to begin with. Most just c&p off Reuters/AP or press releases off of PRN/Businesswire.

Luc X. Ifer  Paul Kersey Sep 18, 2017 11:59 PM

As a hired journalist these day you are no more than a hired pen to spit what it is told you to spit not what you think. Only independent/indie journalist have the luxury to speak their mind but it is a high risk job choice.

BTW, it seems blood started to be drawn due to loss of mafia money invested in the shady Toronto' real estate - realtor pays with life for probably providing bad investment advice just before housing started to collapse in Toronto

what happened  Luc X. Ifer Sep 19, 2017 7:56 AM



We all should be writing our elected officials about provision 623 1A of the Intel bill which is aimed at Wikileaks but will target independent outlets.  Taking away freedom of speech is the most tyranical move they can make.

sleigher  Bob Beachcomber Sep 18, 2017 11:15 PM

Just don't run Chrome.  Run Comodo Dragon and leave all that Google bullshit behind.  Adnauseum runs fine.


There are others as well.  If you like Chrome.

DEMIZEN  Bob Beachcomber Sep 18, 2017 11:39 PM

is there a mobile browser that works ok with adnaseum? i have  dolphin but crashes quite a lot. 

pigpen  DEMIZEN Sep 19, 2017 1:07 AM

Demizen, two words. Brave browser. Set it and forget it. Works on any device and operating system. Blocks all ads and tracking by default. Set it and forget it.

You can thank me later.



DEMIZEN  pigpen Sep 19, 2017 1:11 AM

ill check it out thx.  

DEMIZEN  pigpen Sep 19, 2017 3:24 AM

looks great on Android and my hackintosh machine I thank you for the tip

warsev  Bob Beachcomber Sep 19, 2017 1:50 AM

Just built and installed AdNauseum in Vivaldi browser (linux). Seems to work, but I'm not sold on the benefit of the outcome. Not sure I'll use it. The problem I have is that there is some good content out there (even sometimes on ZH) that I want to see and that advertising pays for. I have no problem with using an ad blocker to blacklist ads on sites that throw obnoxious stuff in my face, but sites that offer decent content and reasonable ads I don't mind supporting by viewing the ads.

BennyBoy  Bob Beachcomber Sep 19, 2017 6:44 AM


" clicks on as many ads as you specify"

You can also click on all the ads on ZH manually, many, many times.

Uncoy  Bob Beachcomber Sep 19, 2017 10:10 AM

Google takes the money from the counter party. Google is just a middleman. You are screwing someone else's small business (or large business), depending on the ads.

lostintheflood  TeamDepends Sep 18, 2017 11:05 PM

CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Governm